Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shop Drop Project

"Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

By: Mitchell Sanchez

Action figures of soldiers are idealized and portrayed as a perfect soldiers fighting their country. Perfect soldiers are loyal, brave, strong, and have good endurance. Their strengths and loyalty doesn't based off on their gender, race, or even sexuality. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy has a huge con of not allowing the soldiers to be openly gay in the military. It may protect the gay community from being criticized by other soldiers, but once if they're openly gay, they're banished from the army. It pretty much took away the civil right of openly gay people being able to do what they want to do. Many people would assume the soldiers would be straight because of their traits of masculinity. So, I modified the idealized soldier action figure by adding the homosexual tattoo, rainbow band around his leg and a button with "Pride" on it to show the soldier as a gay male being open. I thought it would teach the society well about their stereotypes of gay people being feminine and wouldn't be able to fight. Also, being placed on the shelf along with other soldiers without any identification about their sexuality (not openly gay) just showed that it does not matter about their sexual preference as long they fight hard for their country. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy should be repealed to allow the gay soldiers to be themselves and fight for their country because they wanted to.

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