Wednesday, March 3, 2010

UNIT V: Scale and Context

OBJECTIVE: To explore how an object’s intended use, materials, context, and installation can influence its aesthetic and social make up.

PROJECT: I can haz kitteh - Shop Drop


  1. Let’s go Shopping!
  2. Come to class with an object that relates to your sense of identity, but which you don’t mind losing. You can use an object you already own, or purchase something specifically for this project.
  3. Modify your object to make a statement about you, capitalism, consumerism, and / or society. What is the concept behind your piece?
  4. Return your object to the store where it was originally purchased, or to a store that carries a similar product. Just go in and leave it on the shelf / hanger next to the normal ones. This is called Shop Dropping. What message are you trying to portray to whoever finds it? Who is your target audience?
  5. Document your installation. Be stealthy! Bring a friend to be a look out / assistant.
  6. Leave your object at the store for someone to buy.
  7. For the crit, bring one 8” x 10” color glossy photo of your shop dropped piece (as seen in your store installation) and a 250 word essay describing the process and reasoning behind your piece. In addition, post both of these things on the blog before the crit.

READING: Launching the Imagination Chapter 8

VOCABULARY: form, function, analogy, appropriation, layering, metaphor, cliché, hybrid, iconography, simile, stereotype

REFERENCES: Survival Research Laboratory, Yes Men, Barbie Liberation Organization, Blue Man Group


COMMUNITY: It is community art!

DUE: 11 March 2010 LOCATION: Cornerstone APMA Lobby

NOTES: Work on this project in pairs for support installing and documenting. Prints can be made at alternative copy / CVS / etc. Digital cameras are available from classroom support, COOR L91. Due to the site specific nature of this project, there will be limited class work time; plan on doing most of the work for this project outside of class time.

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