Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Judge? Shop Drop

-Picture coming as soon as possible-

Why Judge?

In today’s society it seems that every one is judging every one else. You are judged for the way you dress, the way you act, the disabilities you may have, and other various reasons. So I wanted to place an article of clothing that I have altered that also says “Why Judge?” in a store that contrasts that piece. Also I wanted to use it not as just a representation of the contrast of clothing but also to show another way a person may be judged. I decided to write the first letter a Judge backwards because some people are judged as being ‘slow’ or ‘stupid’ from there disability. It was a way to express that the way a person may dress isn’t the only thing out there that people may look down upon.

While making this piece I decided to use an article of my own clothing to make it a bit more personal to me then by just buying something form the store I wanted to alter this black band shirt to make it look more of the whole 80s rocker style. I cut the sleeves off, cut the front into a deep V-neck as well as cut the back of the shirt down the middle. Once the back was cut in a straight line I then cut out triangle from ether side so I would have pieces to tie together. Once they were cut I then tied them together leaving diamond shaped cut outs down the middle of the back. Also in the front of the shirt at the very bottom of the V-neck I sowed about ¼ of the way up to the top in evenly spaced thick lines while pulling it tight together. It gave the bottom of the V-neck a scrunched look to it. Once the shirt was altered by means of cutting and sowing I then painted on it ‘Why Judge?’ diagonally across the upper left side. I then decided to bring the shirt to the ‘Burlington Coat Factory’ where they have a lot of bright colored clothing (my shirt being black). I then found a pink colored dress suit and placed it up against that making it stand out more and then I took photos!

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