Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reading Discussion Chapter 6

In the comments, ask one question about the reading, and answer one of your classmates questions.


  1. With who did Charles and Ray Eames collaborate to create their plywood chair?

  2. Charles and Ray Eames collaborated with Eero Saarinen to create their plywood chair.

    What are the differences between divergent and convergent thinking?

  3. There are two major differences between convergent and divergent thinking. First, in divergent thinking, the problem is defined much more broadly, with less attention to what the client wants;experimentation is open-ended anything can happen. Second, because the convergent thinker discards weak ideas in the thumbnail stage, the final image is preplanned and predictable.

  4. What are the characteristics of a good problem?

  5. A good problem generally includes the following characteristics: Significant, Socially Responsible, Comprehensive, open to Experimentation, Ambitious yet Achievable and Authentic.

  6. Using convergent thinking the word prose can help you remember of what basic steps?

  7. 1. define the problem, 2. do the research, 3. determine your objective, 4. devise a strategy, 5. execute the strategy, 6. evaluate the results.

    How does brainstorming help in both convergent and divergent thinking?

  8. A: Brainstorming helps both convergent and divergent thinking by expanding ideas, seeing connections, and exploring implications.

    Q: For a designer where does the problem solving process being? How do fine artists start there problems?

  9. The problem solving process for a designer begins by asking themselves four questions on their project.
    --What is needed?
    --What existing designs are similar to the design we need?
    --What is the difference between the existing designs and the new design?
    --How can we transform, combine, or expand these existing designs.

  10. What are the types of sketches or draft necessary when working three dimensionally?
