Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My ritual of choice... samhain

this is an old celtic ritual held on Oct. 31st. Samhain is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end". It was harvest season and marked the end or the light half of the year and into the begining of the dark half of the year. it was believed that the border of this world and the otherworld would become thin during this time of the year. in other words the world of the dead and the world of the living would cross.
many celts at this time would make masks in the likeness of gouls and ghosts to try to blend in with the dead who have crossed into the world of the living... does this sound familliar to anyone? if so, its probably because we celebrate a much more secular version of this very same thing. only, we call it halloween.

i found this info on Wiki. here is the link incase anyone is interested.

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