Monday, November 14, 2011

Boat installation, by Alana, Cara, Katie, and Monique

Our boat addresses the theme of childhood. It is based upon the story of a little boy who wants to slow down the day and sets out with a magical net to capture the sun. We created a literal net, and used a lantern to represent the sun. This story is found in New Zealand, Native American culture, as well as some Eastern cultures. Since it is a universal story and theme, we created a simply structured boat, so that it merely represents a boat as opposed to a particular culture. We interpreted the theme of the story to be one of slowing down time. This is a universal theme for all children that wish to stay young, and all adults that feel wistful as their youth fades. We painted the boat black and white to represent the duality of innocence and the loss of innocence. Children are purely innocent, and lose that when they grow older. However, people still remain innocent to an extent throughout their life. The net is purple simply because we felt purple and yellow, as complementary colors, would look aesthetically pleasing, and also it would make the net and “sun” the focal point. We placed it in front of the Memorial Union in part because of the heavy traffic, and therefore optimum exposure, and in part because of the sand there. We wanted the boat to look as though it had gotten washed up on a shore and abandoned.

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