Sunday, January 17, 2010

UNIT II: Low Relief / High Relief

OBJECTIVE: To introduce relief sculpture and to continue discussion on the differences between 2D and 3D space.

PROJECT: We rise as stones thrust from the crust - Cubes intersect a plane


  1. Build a 4" x 4" trough with clay giving it a solid 1” thick bottom and 1” high lip around the edge.
  2. Using the cube provided create 3 prints in the clay bed, and finally embed the cube into the clay so that it does not poke above the lip.
  3. Fill the trough with plaster to create a low relief. Let dry.
  4. Examine in a variety of lighting setups and draw the plaster cast from three different angles / light environments. Use pencil, charcoal, or B&W photography, 9’ x 12”+ paper.

READING: Launching the Imagination Chapters 5, 9

VOCABULARY: bas (pronounced “bah” as in French) relief (low relief), haut (pronounced “oh”) relief (high relief), texture, additive, subtractive, volume reversal, negative, positive, sand casting

REFERENCES: Paolo Soleri

MATERIALS: Clay, knives, hard cubes, plaster, buckets, water

COMMUNITY: If you have wheels, try to visit Cosanti in Scottsdale ( or Arcosanti in Cordes Junction (

DUE: 26 January 2010


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