Monday, February 8, 2010

UNIT 1V: Mass and Form

OBJECTIVE: To introduce both traditional and non-traditional approaches to the concept of mass as applied to three-dimensional form.

PROJECT: Throw your arms to the sky, and do not fear where they may land


  1. Using the three 6” x 6” cardboard squares create different surface texture samples. 1 Subtractive where material is removed from the surface of the square. 1 Additive where material (any material) is added to the surface of the square. And 1 color where the square surface is colored or patterned evenly, but in a way that does not completely conceal that the material is cardboard. For all samples only one side is done, the other is left as is. (Due: 11 February 2010)
  2. Find a feather.
  3. Using your feather, sketch support structures that utilize linear and / or planer elements. The goal is to make the feather look heavy and sacred or precious.
  4. Build an altar using construction methods learned in class for your feather using 1/8” x 1/8” basswood and / or cardboard based on one of your sketches.

READING: Launching the Imagination Chapter 11, 12

VOCABULARY: mass, density, weight, gravity, form, simulation, surface, tactile, traditional/non-traditional, subtractive, synthetic, plinth, representational, nonobjective, pedestal, abstract

REFERENCES: Duchamp, Eva Hesse, Ann Hamilton, Jeff Koons, Richard Deacon, Duane Hanson, Janine Antoni, Kain Tapper

MATERIALS: Feather, Glue, Matte Knives, Exacto Saws, Little Clamps, 1/8” x 1/8” Bass Wood, Cardboard

COMMUNITY: Research a ritual belonging to a culture other than your own that uses light or altars in an interesting way. Make a blog post explaining the ritual to the class and include a photo of the ritual or ritual implements. (Due: 16 February 2010)

DUE: 18 February 2010


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