Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring 10:Sugar-coating Consumerism

Sugar-coating Consumerism:

The piece I have created was a cereal box (Mimi O's) altered to comment on the cereal industry and its quest to fill the stomachs of America. For the boxes decoration I incorporated flashy colors to stimulate the eye and attract a person walking by. Pictures of animals are common icons on the front of cereal boxes, so I chose to stick with this theme in order to appeal to my audience. The sugar-coated deliciousness of cereal has escalated to a point where a person is almost eating pure sugar for breakfast. The installation somewhat mocks the idea that gaudy boxes of sugar with pictures of animals is very acceptable meal to eat for breakfast. The concept behind the way I chose to depict this was an overflowing cart of cereal boxes. Instead of buying simply what we need, often people have a bad habit of overcompensating and purchasing more than what’s necessary. The combination of an over –zealous nation of consumers mixed with sugary cereals creates a very unhealthy population. Our population should take a second look at nutrition labels and not be fooled by the friendly faces of cereal boxes.

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