Wednesday, March 10, 2010

True Life Barbie, Hanes Exposed-Laura Marks

My idea and concept about changing the Barbie was to give the message of an alternate and more realistic view of Barbie. Instead of the typical blonde, blue eyed and perfect. My Barbie was gruffy, hairy, tattooed, dirty, and old. I was trying to destroy the image of perfection and beauty that commercialism and those dolls have impressed on the children that buy them. Instead of the cookie cutter ken and barbie, the kids that see the hobo barbie should appeal to it more and recognize it portrays a real person.When i put the new and improved, or should i say dilapidated Barbie, next to the original, the difference was very clear. It seemed that the Barbie I created was much more life like and the Barbie on the shelf was alien and weird looking. Its amazing how much publicity and media affects the children that watch it. There is a higher rate of bulimia and other weight related diseases due to this affect. The constant reminder of what is considered beauty and how to improve yourself, because being you is not enough, is in about every commercial. The change of this image would help greatly for the future children of America. Since they will be running the country when I'm in a retirement home.

The other placement of Shop Dropping was Hanes underwear. This company says that they make their product in America’s factories that are safe and fare. But in reality Hanes ships its cloth to free zones to be assembled for a price that is about one hundredth of the price that Hanes sells the product for. These free zones are in an area of a country where some normal trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas are eliminated and bureaucratic requirements are lowered in hopes of attracting new business and foreign investments. These free zones are in Brazil, China, Mexico, Costa Rica, and other third world countries. The free zone that Hanes has been known to ship to is the one in Costa Rica. This free zone takes care of Hanes girl and ladies underwear. The conditions and pay i can imagine is not anything to be proud of. So i bought a hanes product and wrote a DID YOU KNOW? fact about free zones and how Hanes supports these conditions. The spread of knowledge and understanding of unfair pay needs to be known.

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