Monday, November 14, 2011

My Little Red Rocket/Boat- Moeur Building installation

The original idea for this boat was a rocket ship and having it installed near one of the buildings that houses exhibits and classes for the School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) was a simple choice for our group. The aesthetic choices we made in the color and shape of the rocket/boat were meant to evoke a very specific type of rocket ship within the viewer.
The bowed out shape of the boat (the top and bottom being smaller than the middle) and the bright red paint color along with the exaggerated curves and relative size of the wings reference an iconic cartoon rocket. For the average viewer this might transport them back to a time when the human relationship with transportation into space was a very prevalent discussion in the realm of popular culture.
The childlike appearance of the rocket when compared to a rocket that could actually launch echoes the artistic liberties that were taken during the space race in movies, shows, and space themed paraphernalia. As compared to someone who is involved in the programs related to the SESE, the average person might not initially think of these glaring discrepancies. The rocket thus evokes a different reaction in the viewer relative to their own take on space exploration and rocket ships. This leads to the final conceptual point that our rocket aims to bring to the surface, the attitude of an average individual in today's society toward the space program. When contrasted to an earlier time in the space program's history the attitude of today has faded from one of excitement and preoccupation with the transportation of the future to one of ambivalence.

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