Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My concept to the project is to represent peace. The first thing that I thought was what could the object be? So, I thought that a shirt will be something easily to put a message through and be representational. Due to the fact that it is wearable and many people will see it. The second thing that I thought was who would be my audience as to purchasing it and so wearing it proudly. So, I thought that teenagers are easily persuaded to purchase this shirt. Due to teenagers are more opened minded as to their fashion and adults seemed more conserved as to having this shirt.

The meaning of representing peace to the world is to remember the world about having peace on earth. Stopping the war. In which the United States of America is just wasting their money, time and more importantly losing our soldiers. Families are torn apart. Innocent people died. Not just only the United States is having this issue many countries are in war. While instead of being in war they can waste their time in helping others that ready need the time and or money. Like, today the world is going through crises. Haiti is highly in need of help in everything. They completely lost all they had. While many countries seemed selfish and just thinking in their benefits. The country of Chile in also going through a crises. People are divested they lost their homes, vehicles, everything and most importantly their love ones. So, as you can see the world is in need of peace.

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