Wednesday, March 10, 2010


“My hope for a better tomorrow remains behind a camera lens…where does yours remain?”

My idea was to create an artwork that described how beautiful is having the opportunity to live and how it means to me as a photographer. The concept I showed was that as a photographer one will shoot once again and again trying to get our best photographs. So, just as a photographer’s hope lies behind the lens of a camera, everyone should never give up their passions and try again and again.

For the purpose of trying to deliver my message in an artistic way, I went shopping and bought a 16’ X 20’ portrait. I thought this would be the best way to represent myself, since I love photographing. I made up a quote myself that says “Far more beauty there is non…unlike any passion…behind a camera lens…us photographers maintain a hope…our next shot will be the one.” In this phrase, I try to describe that everyone has a passion and mine is photographing. So when I stand behind a camera lens I see the world so different. I always maintain a hope that my photographs will turn wonderful and unique. Though, capturing moments is hard unlike everything that we love in this earth. So everyone should maintain the hope that tomorrow will be a better day and don’t give up that you can reach your goal the day after if not the next.

The materials I used were an image of a big film camera that was within the portrait that I bought. So, in the circular opening of the lens of the camera I pasted a world globe. Then, at the bottom of the portrait I placed my phrase as if it were in a large roll of film. Everything in my portrait was black and white except the world globe to make it stand out and that would describe I was referring to society as a whole.

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