Thursday, October 28, 2010

"I Kan Haz Kittah" project: Bakugan

For my choice of "I Kan Haz Kittah" project relates to a game called "Bakugan" that relates to the already existing games of the two, Pokemon and Yugioh! At first glance at this product I find it to be a rip off of the two I stated by the appereance and the game play.The green ball figure which Imodified it to make it look like a pokeball or one of the pokemon monster and for the cards to be Yugioh style simply by removing the image of the actual card itself and replaceing it with a yugioh card in its place. My point in this is to show how creative people can even look at other exsisting games take apart some of its materials and used it to make their own game.
It was fun modifying this project, can't wait to see the buyers face when he/she purchase this.

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