Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Finger Discount



In store

This is the My Finger Discount!!

So all my life I've been messing up common phrases. Often times I embarrass myself with my malapropisms!! One saying that I messed up alot in my childhood was the "five finger discount" but I always called it the "my finger discount" so in representation of my wordy blunders I traced my hand on a shirt that represents stolen artifacts. "Back in the day" aka high school, I used to have a little problem with shop lifting and this summer I got caught from some dumb secret shopper lady! Since then I've been to terrified to steal anything!! The point is that its not worth it and in the end you always get caught! By me returning this shirt to target is a symbol of all other things I have stolen being returned to the store I took them from. I messed up the "five finger discount" literally be making it the "my finger discount" and getting caught.

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