Monday, October 25, 2010

Shop Drop




Over the weekend I overheard a woman talking about her age. She said that she felt that she could not compete with the younger women that are in her career field. Come to find out, this woman was a lawyer. I thought it was insane that she felt she couldn't compete with someone who was younger and has less experience than her. This was not the first time that I have heard a woman complain about her age. Many middle aged women feel that they should resemble a celebrity or someone twenty years their youth. Some feel like they will be taken more seriously if they look younger. Well, that is not the case. For my project, I decided that I wanted to put a twist on the beloved skin firming cream, "the magic in a jar." I added a 'before' and 'after' picture on the side of the jar. Some people think that they'll be transformed once they use the product. They want the best possible results. I also cut out the label that said directions. I added a statement that says "What have we women com o? Do we really believe that nothing we have achieved counts unless we look at least 20 years younger than our real age? Wrinkles? No. These are lines of character." I did not make any changes to the box/packaging because I wanted it to look like all of the other items. The changes were made to the jar so that the customer would see it once they already purchased the item.

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