Monday, October 25, 2010

Shop Droppin'

I started this project with a very minimalist approach. I went out to a field near my house, and picked a piece of a cotton plant. I bought a bag of cotton at Target, emptied the cotton that was originally in the bag, and then arranged the cotton plant inside the bag for the best view. This was more difficult than I had thought because the bag is not clear like I imagined, so I made most of the cotton plant visible near the bottom.

For this project I really wanted the consumer to think about where the product comes from, and how many paths it must take to get into our hands. We never think about these things before we buy a product. The cotton must be picked and/or harvested, it must be refined, then packaged, then sent to a store, where we finally buy the product. I took a product that most people take for granted, and transformed it into it's raw version. I am hoping that customers look at my piece, and realize how difficult, time-consuming, and sometimes environmentally harmful it is to get the final product to the consumers.

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