Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ShopDrop - Styrofoam Cups

For my project, I purchased a package of disposable Styrofoam cups from Safeway and wrote messages against using such a disposable product on them with a sharpie. Then I packaged them back up in such a way that the consumer will not know that they are buying an altered product until they get home and open them.

I chose to do this at Safeway because I felt this would be one of the most likely
places someone would buy such cups for personal use at home (rather, not where a coffee shop would buy them). These cups are also commonly used in offices--several breakrooms in places that I 've worked have provided these cups...almost as if they're encouraging employees to be wasteful. Safeway seemed like a likely place for them to purchase the cups as well.

I hope that after these are purchased, they bring to light how wasteful their purchaser is being, and instigate a change to a more reusable, sustainable product.



After (at store):

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