Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oasis, Where is the water?

Our boat, The Oasis, asks the public a question of "Where is the water?" The picture below is a before shot of asking them to write with permanent markers provided, a response to our question. These permanent markers are adhered using Velcro strips on multiple sides of the boat and to the sign to allow multiple people to write at the same time. The markers are covered in a custom label reflecting the theme and question of our boat. Our ideas stemmed from wanting an interactive piece and our question. We wanted to know what people thought and how they would react to the question posed. The color choices for the boat are light blue and cream. The boat is made from plywood and oak. The sail is made from canvas, twine, paint and wood. These choices of materials were chosen to reflect water and natural qualities. the name Oasis was chosen to show that there is water in a desert and to compare that to our question. The site selection at University and College Avenue allows a vast public interaction due to the high volume of people traveling through there, the desert life that surrounds the site depicts why we need water.



Unfortunately, we might have asked for too much participation. Seeing as our boat was stolen or moved to a location we know not of on Friday the 11th. Now the question is "Where is our boat?" So, if anyone sees it let us know. Our group members consist of Annie Persons, Larry Valencia, Nichole Bischoff, and Shannon Gomillion. 

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