Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Secret Garden - Ruby Ball, Jordyn Richey, Tiernan Warner

Before we even had any ideas about the concept of our boat, we chose the Secret Garden as our location, as it seemed to be the perfect spot to house a boat based on some aspect of human relationships. It was only when we all met in the Secret Garden that our concept began to take shape. We all seemed to be drawn to the idea of the most fundamental human relationship of all: with oneself. Then we started to examine the different shapes that solitude can take on. Solitude can be a place of great pain, loneliness, and isolation. Though it can also be the root of deep peace and joy. We wanted our boat to capture the journey that one must travel alone in order to find their individual happiness. We decided on a simple, classic rowboat shape, for its universality, and a whitewashed and battered finish to exemplify the difficulty and age-old quality of this journey. It was very important to us that our boat was clearly for only one person, thus we put in one chair, along with “supplies” for one person. As for the canopy, we wanted to make the person sitting in the chair feel closed off from the world, which could be interpreted as either an eerie isolation or a comforting solitude. Across from the chair, which is surrounded by scattered nails, is a lantern and a frenzy of vines. We wanted the bow of the boat, which the chair faces, to represent a place of light and growth: a place for the individual to aspire to. Lastly, we wanted to make our boat interactive because, although it is a solo journey, this “journey” is a part of the human experience. We wanted to invite viewers into this space of solitude to reflect on their own journey, and to possibly find some comfort in knowing that they are not completely alone on their own path.

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