Monday, November 7, 2011

The view outside my window shows clearly the colors of my country

UNIT VIII: Phenomenon, Change, Motion

OBJECTIVE: To make explicit the connection artists and designers working in three-dimensional art feel with physical events and actual processes—both natural and human-made…

PROJECT: The view outside my window shows clearly the colors of my country - Stop Motion Animation

1. Brainstorm ideas for a stop animation movie. Materials are open, but the movie must be non figurative (no people or human / animal characters), and should incorporate 3D design principles, but there should also be a deeper conceptual meaning to the piece.
2. Discuss shots and camera motions.
3. Storyboard your animation, there should be at least 5 distinct shots / scenes (Due: 11/16) Indicate camera and object motion on the cards, as well as how long each shot should last.
4. Build a set(s) for your animation and make all of the necessary elements. You can use found materials in addition to fabricated components, but the found materials must be modified.
5. Write a press release paragraph about how your animation addresses the themes of this course for the critique.
6. Shoot at least 600 still digital photos for your animation (1min @ 10fps). Make sure to stabilize the camera with a tripod or similar device and use adequate lighting.
7. Use Photoshop to clean up any distortions in color and lighting.
8. Assemble the image sequence in FrameByFrame, free software for Mac (Edit > Import Images. It helps to shoot your shots in sequence and separate shots into folders.)
9. Export your animation as a QuickTime movie and bring it to class on a CD, DVD, or jump drive.
10. Also, post your animation to the blog with a one paragraph long press release.

READING: Launching the Imagination Chapters 13, 14

VOCABULARY: phenomenon, event, actual vs. simulated, natural, human-made, process, time, real-time, duration, beat, cut, chronology, dissolve, duration, editing, frame, fade, flashback, rhythm, scene, sequence, setting, pace, plot, montage, shot, tempo, story, wipe, take, series, causality

REFERENCES: Claymation, Sinbad, Aardman, Judder Man, The Fantastic Mister Fox, Her Morning Elegance

MATERIALS: Mixed Media, Cameras, Tripods

DUE: 5 December 2011

GRADING: 28 points

• 2 - Blog post
• 3 – Storyboard
• 2 – 600 photos / 5 shots
• 3 – Composition
• 4 – Craft of objects and sets
• 2 – Craft of lighting and camera stability
• 2 – Gestalt
• 4 – Intent
• 4 – Communication
• 2 - Comprehension

BONUS: 1pt for adding sound / titles to your animation without making a music video.

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